Inputting your passwords or other sensitive information on an illegitimate website can put you at risk for identity theft and viruses. Fortunately, there are many tools to help you determine whether a site is legitimate.
Look for an https in the URL bar, and check that the company’s contact page has options for contacting them. Also, review the site for an excess of spelling and punctuation mistakes.
1. Look for the Green Address Bar
The green address bar is an indicator that a website is secure. It shows that a site uses HTTPS and has been verified by Certificate Authorities. This helps to increase customer trust and confidence, improving conversion rates.
Another way to tell if a website is legit is by looking at its language and design. Bad English is usually a red flag, as are poorly-spelled words and awkward phrasing. Also, be wary of websites that use a lot of pop-ups or redirects. These are often used by bad actors to steal information. Be sure to look up the company on social media, too.
2. Check for HTTPS
It’s important to make sure that any website you visit is using an HTTPS connection. This will ensure that your personal and payment details are encrypted and secure. It’s also a good idea to look for a clear privacy policy and contact information for the site owner.
Another thing to look out for is poor language. If there are a lot of misspelled words or bad grammar, this could be a sign that the site isn’t legitimate. You should also check for an Extended Validation certificate. This is a higher level of security that requires additional validation steps, making it more difficult for scammers to fake.
3. Check for Pop-Ups
If a website has multiple pop-up windows it could be a scam. They may be a sign that they are trying to trick you into clicking on something malicious that will download malware to your computer.
Poor English is another common indicator of a scam site. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar could indicate that the website is not legitimate.
A legitimate website should have a returns policy clearly displayed. It should also be easy to find. If you can’t find one, you should consider avoiding the site altogether. Another way to check if a site is legit is by using a domain lookup tool. Simply paste in the URL and you will get a report on whether the site is trustworthy or not.
4. Check for Viruses
Cybercriminals are scouring the internet to steal your information from unprotected devices. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.
First, check that all the website’s files are safe. You can do this by scanning a website for viruses or using a malware scanner on your computer.
Viruses can be hidden in all kinds of ways. They can be found in ad space, on a page’s source code, or in downloadable files like PDFs. Another way a website can become infected with malware is by being hacked. This could lead to a sudden drop in performance or the site becoming inaccessible.
5. Check for Malware
Malware can be spread through websites, and visiting illegitimate sites can put your online security at risk. If you visit a site with malware, it could lead to hackers getting into your accounts and accessing your personal information.
One way to check if a website is legit is Click Here by using a malware scan. Many malware scanners can tell you if a website is safe or not, and can warn you of dangerous viruses or other threats. Malware scans can also give you more information about a website, such as when it was created, where the server is located, and more. This can help you make a decision about whether or not to visit the site.